SeLaMat DataNG Ke SeGmeN Aq WitH BloG?? tQ Coz Sudi MeLuanGkaN Masa.. :D

my SecRet??

My photo
jerteh, terengganu, Malaysia
nape adanya "segmen aq with blog??" aq pom xtau nape aq berminat nk buat tajuk 2..maybe coz aq ase better with blog more than people..lpas aq dikianati someone that i really trust igat kami kekal as "BFF" but she made the decision to stay away from me.. :D "But i'm happy now"..

assalamualaikum.. :)
mlm niey aq nk kongsi kegembiraan aty aq..
aq happy sgt mlm nie lpas dpat ciapkan asgment mathematic aq.. soalan dye tahap susah giler.. aq pom xsangka aq dpat menyiapkan asgment itu..sblom dpat ciapkan nyer..kepala nie ase cam nk pecah jepp.. tp biler ingatkan esok kne hantar, terus membara semangat aq untuk menyelesaikannye..skrg dah ciap.. :)
tp sory kpd kwn2 yg ske "copy paste" 2..coz aq xkan bg bkan nk berkire sgat gn kwan2 tp lu dyeowg asyik copy paste bile dyeowg nk pndai kan?? agpom sape yg xmarah biler kter da penat2 memerah otak owg senang2 jepp nk tiru...btol x kwan2 ?? hehee.. =)
mula2 tu aq nk marah jgak larh biler dah dkat exam baru nk bg asgment..byk plak tu..semua sbjek bru bg asgment..penat biler pkr2 blik byk jgk kebaikan nyer..contoh nyer kter dapt ulang kaji subjek tuu.. :)
jd bler2 jgn larh nk merungut ble dpt asgment..
bkn setakat asgment kter dpt masalah pom kter xleh merungut jgakk..kter sepatutnye pkr tentang perkara positif..maybe ada hikmah disebalik kejadian.. :)
papepom senyum sokmo..

